The Sunshine Award

This is SO late but, wow, I’ve gotten my first award! *squeal squeal squeal* It’s called The Sunshine Award and I’m so flattered to have been nominated! So, what is The Sunshine Award? Well…

The sun from Teletubbies, casting a wonderful sunshine glow on the world below him…

The Sunshine Award!

The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers. The recipients of the Sunshine Award are: “Bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogsphere”. The way the award works is this: Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them. Answer questions about yourself. Select 10 of your favourite bloggers, link their blogs to your post and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award!

The wonderful Will Louison nominated me, while I was reading his post about his award, I was thinking “wow, this guy is amazing, he’s gotten so many awards, I want to be like him!” And, to my great surprise, there was my blog name in the list of nominees! I literally squealed!

Thanks so much Will! You can check his blog: What If It All Means Something, HERE. You should really check out his stuff, he’s not only funny, but amazingly talented and I love his writing!

So, back to the award *squeal*, there are some rules:

1. you answer the ten questions below

2. you nominate ten further people to accept this award

So, let’s go!

What inspired you to start blogging?

Well, I’ve always had a love for writing and wanted to get some of my work out there in a friendly environment. It’s been amazing so far.

How did you come up with the name to your blog?

My favorite animal is a monkey and I write, so that’s where it came from.

What is your favorite blog you like to read?

There are way too many, but if I had to choose, I would say Sage Doyle’s blog. Her poems capture so much emotion and her writing is so vivid and… well, I probably should stop talking or I’ll ramble on forever! I love every blog so much but hers is one that stands out the most to me.

Tell about your dream job.

Oh decisions, decisions! My number one choice is to be a famous author! I just want to be able to check out my book from the library down the street, then I’ll be happy. Not too crazy, but it suits me.

Is your glass half full or half empty?

Mine is overflowing! Optimism is the key, as I like to say.

If you could go anywhere for a week’s vacation, where would you go?

To the pink lake in Australia! The lake is pink! Who wouldn’t want to go there?

If I soaked myself in there for long enough, do you think I’ll turn pink?

What food can you absolutely not eat?

Any spicy foods, my spice level tolerance is very low. But it’s gotten better over the years!

Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

Both! As long as it’s chocolate, I’ll eat it!

How much time do you spend blogging?

Yikes, the dreaded question. For the past few weeks, I haven’t been able to blog very much, so about 3-4 hours each week…? I know, I know, it’s bad. I usually like to spend at least an hour blogging a day though.

Do you watch tv- if so, what are some of your favorite shows?

My favorite shows… currently, Bones (fangirl squeal here) and Danny Phantom (who knew a cartoon character could be so cute?!).

Now, the ten awesome blogs I nominate for The Sunshine Award!

16 thoughts on “The Sunshine Award

  1. Reblogged this on What If It All Means Something and commented:
    Sorry for yet another re-blog, but I love sharing stuff I read on other blogs. Plus it breaks up my mundane routines and ‘try-to-be-funny’ jokes that sometimes make me sound like a tool. Anyway, here is a post about the Sunshine Award on The Writing Monkey’s blog. I nominated this blogger for the award – rightfully deserving – and am thrilled at the wonderful things she has to say about me. That is not the only reason to check out this post, just as this post is not the only post you should check out. I recommend – to everyone – checking out this blog in full. Each time that I read a post on The Writing Monkey, I can’t help but think that I’m witnessing the emergence of a bright, new writer. So, I think I’ve made it pretty obvious that you should all go this blog and read some great posts. You won’t regret it. If you do, then sue me.

  2. Hey, congrats on the award. Good to hear that you’re using your space to put a smile on people’s faces. Here’s hoping that you keep it up.

    Also, I feel you on the whole spicy foods thing. I haven’t been able to stand them since I almost (presumably) choked on a jalapeno pepper. That’s the last time I take on a dare from my brother…

    • I (that’s me) thanks you (that’s you) and is also glad to have found another kindred spirit (that’s you) in this wide, wide world full of humans (the inhabitants)!

  3. Pingback: Sunshine Award | julie's chick lit

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